
Migrating Oracle Database to SQL Server: Lessons from the Trenches.

Recently, we had to do a database migration fro a customer where an Oracle database had to be migrated to SQL Server. We had to do it with minimum down-time and ensure business continuity. Database migrations are not easy nor quick, but sometimes necessary. In this article we outline all the lessons we learnt "from the trenches" as they say.

Why Automate Business Processes?

Automating business processes can be like adding oil to an engine, it just makes it work so much better and more efficient. Bespoke Software is your answer. Rather than throwing more people at the bottleneck, and make it worse, apply a bit of software and see the difference. More about it in the article, but do consider Bespoke Software Development services first before doing anything else.

Job Management Software System.

Are you a company or tradesman offering services? Do you need a job management software system to help you schedule and track all your jobs from start to finish? We have done a few of these systems already and have a couple of things to say about them.

How to use the Strangler Pattern.

Choosing the right methodology when migrating your legacy system to a modern business software application is half the battle. The other half of course is implementing the methodology in the right way. In this article we will be talking about how to use the Strangler Pattern when migrating legacy business software to a new software system.

Why and when to use the Strangler Pattern?

Have you got an old legacy business application which needs upgrading or migrating to a new more modern application? In this blog post we look at when and why to use the strangler pattern when it comes to re-engineering old legacy software applications.

Choosing Best Bespoke Online Payment Systems Provider.

Have you ever had to implement an online payment system within your bespoke application? How do you chose the right online payment system provider for your requirements. It is not a very easy decision, all things included. Here are a few thoughts to consider.

What is a Software Development Company?

Have you ever wondered what is a software development company, what software development consultants are and what the process of software consultation is? In this article you will find out a little bit more about the topic.

Address Lookup API.

We have recently launched our brand-new address lookup API service for UK addresses based on the Royal Mail PAF file. A modern, fast, easy to use and integrate, secure, and very affordable postcode look up API for your business and leisure applications.

How to save money on your software support.

Software support services can be very expensive, depending on which way you choose to go. There are several solutions, but is the outsourced software support really the way? Or should you hire your own developers instead? Click 'Read More' to find out.

How I became a Software Developer.

This is a short blog to tell my story of how I changed my career to software development, with the hopes that this will, somehow, help your decisions and help steer your journey into software development.

COVID-19 and the software engineering industry.

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas here at Poole Software Limited. That must mean one thing, the year is almost over, and what a year!

Bespoke software development career.

Recently, we received a phone call to our office by a person looking to start a new career in bespoke software development. In this blog post, Andrei explains the steps he would take in today’s world to start a new career in bespoke software development…

Charity is important.

As a business, Poole Software Limited is dedicated to helping those around us that do not enjoy the same privileges and comforts as we do. There are children around the world that are in need of basic spiritual, emotional and physical help. We are for those children…

Why we invest in people.

Recently, we decided to take on a student from Bournemouth and Poole college on work experience. In this blog post we explain why we did it. We also encourage other IT companies locally to do the same.

Search engine optimisation (SEO).

As any good business with a website, like ourselves, we needed our website ready for the two major search engines, - Google Search and Microsoft Bing. In order to get the website ready, we had to do some Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) on the website first. In this blog post, we explain how we went about it.

A word from the owner.

In this blog post, our owner, Andrei Bazanov, speaks about his journey in the software engineering and web development world and offers some insight about Poole Software Limited that you won’t read anywhere else.

How we got 100% in the Google PageSpeed Insights.

Recently, we thought it would be a good idea to redesign our Poole Software Limited website. Given that on average, a user will only wait about five seconds for a website to open, before they give up and move on, - the new website had to load quickly. Of course, when the new website was ready, it yielded an impressive 100% for desktop and 99% for mobile (see below). That is quite a good result by anybody’s standards, including Google’s own standards...

How to outsource your software development project.

When it comes to outsourcing software development projects, it can be a real challenge to find the right software house. In this post, you will learn a bit about how to outsource your software development project, without outsourcing your profit as well...

Cowboys..., cowboys everywhere!.

As a company director, one of my joys is to talk to prospective customers about their development needs. One day I had an interesting chat, if not humorous, with a self-proclaimed software developer about some urgent mobile / software development requirements he had. In this blog posts I record the overall discussion. I hope you enjoy it...